Do you feel you are working long hours and working really hard, but still can’t seem to get ahead money wise?
Learn how to craft attention-grabbing headlines, structure your releases effectively, and convey your message with clarity
These simple instructions have completely transformed thousands of businesses that have been stuck on the treadmill of traditional thinking.
Stop thinking you are stuck in your business, and start leveraging yourself to the top.
Have you ever heard the expression: “80 percent of advertising doesn’t work!”…? It’s interesting how we all know it’s true, but no-one seems to be able to tell us what to do about it.
You may be a victim of sabotage—self-sabotage. How do you know, and what can you do about it?
It is important for the business owner to have this drive, but it is also important to formulate a clear strategy.
Your business, even if you’re an independent professional or small firm, needs to stay on the leading edge…or die.
When I talk about “targeted marketing” I mean marketing with a laser beam rather than a shotgun.