7 Profit Winning Strategies for Your Business

Do you feel you are working long hours and working really hard, but still can’t seem to get ahead money wise? Do you leave your financials up to your accountant, and don’t really understand them? Imagine knowing exactly how to make more money in your business and more money for you without working any harder […]

Three Types of Cash

In this weeks article we will discuss the three types of cash. Understanding these cash types can help you, the business owner, avoid many pitfalls that sink so many businesses. Remember, the number one reason businesses fail is not because they are unprofitable; it’s because they run out of cash! Three types of cash Since cash is so vital […]

Understanding Financial Statement: Types of Cash

Understanding these cash types can help you, the business owner, avoid many pitfalls that sink so many businesses. Remember, the number one reason businesses fail is not because they are unprofitable; it’s because they run out of cash! Three types of cash Since cash is so vital to the health of a business, is all cash created […]

Turn Incremental into Massive Growth Profit

Does this headline sound unrealistic? Today I’m going to further illustrate a little known principle called “Divide to Multiply”. The Divide to Multiply principle encourages us to segment a concept into its finest increments to produce deeper understanding. Then, by focusing on incrementally improving each segment, we benefit from the synergistic effect of those small improvements multiplying […]

Low Cost Ways To Build Profit

When profit declines, business owners react in various ways.  Some look to cut expenses while others look to get more leads and customers by investing in advertising and other lead generation strategies.  While controlling expenses is important whether profit is up or down, cost cutting is typically a short-term fix – you can only cut […]

How To Work Less for More Profit

When I talk with professional business owners about building their business, I often get an interesting response… “No more. Please! No more! I couldn’t handle any more work; I’m flat out as it is.” This seems strange, because many times their business is far from what would be considered massively profitable and by their own admission is […]

What To Do In A Cashflow Crunch

We have all heard the statistic; 80% of all small businesses will close their doors within the first 5 years. And a further 50% will close in the next 5 years. Here is the really interesting bit, the common thread in all of these closures is a lack of cashflow or in other words an inability to meet the monthly expenses and payments required […]

3 Keys to Predictable Cashflow

There are three keys to creating consistent and predictable cashflow: 1. Strong and Sustainable Unique Selling Proposition: A strong USP is one that cuts through the clutter of our everyday lives. A USP is like a beacon that calls you like an irresistible force. It is the lighthouse that brightens the night sky after you were […]

Strike Rate…The 8th Wonder of Business…

I am often reminded of getting back to basics to build revenues and profits in business. But none more so than when I am confronted with a business owner who shows me they need more new customers … If you really want to grow your business and you really want to do it fast, then […]

The Story of Profitability and Cashflow

Pretend you have 2 children. One you named Profitability, the other you named Cashflow. I’ll bet that too often in your years of business in the past, you have ignored Cashflow and paid too much attention to Profitability.   These 2 children are very different. Profitability is very smart, very logical and thinks long term- […]



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Where’s My Cash Gone?