Craig Carr

Business Coach

  • Internationally Licensed Sales and Business Master Coach since 1998
  • Amassed over $500M in personal sales in his own Sales Agency
  • Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology
  • Master Practitioner Certifications in Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, CBT and NLP
  • Professional Teaching Certifications in Non-Verbal Communication and Micro Expressions
  • Author of How To Unlock The Profit In Your Business
  • Founder – Craig Carr Coaching Academy for Professional Coaches and Consultants

Craig Carr is an exciting and passionate member of the EBS coaching team.  Craig is an experienced business owner in his own right, an author and Internationally Licensed Sales and Business Master Coach. He is a well-rounded individual with an extensive list of qualifications including all elements of business coaching, specialising in advanced sales, marketing and high performance strategies. He is a highly sought-after International Speaker and that is just the start.

He has been featured on television, radio and newspapers around the world for his expertise in sales coaching as well as his educational background that includes a Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology!

Craig has worked with business coaches and entrepreneurs across multiple industries in countries around the world, enabling him to create successful businesses that also help others. This led to his own coaching academy where Craig teaches students about how they can start their own ventures and achieve great success, like he did!

Craig has worked with and interviewed many celebrities over the years and shared his knowledge on stage with the best of the best in business.

Craig is now part of the EBS team as one of the Business Coaches and Event Speakers. Craig will be delivering free business growth workshops across Australia so if you are a business owner ready to scale your business check our events page to see where he is appearing next.



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Where’s My Cash Gone?