What do you do when you have done your best and the results are still not evident? There is a powerful presupposition of NLP that states that there is no failure, only feedback. We all have the ability to retain all of our learnings from our experiences as we enact and become more and more flexible in our behaviours. What is required is to become more creative, curious and strategize massive action so we achieve our outcomes.
The greater your flexibility, the greater leader you become. When you face this question in your own life and business endeavours, here’s a strategy that works:
Step 1 – Refuse to wallow in self-doubt. Frame the experience as feedback and say to yourself that there is something you have not seen, some knowledge you require, or some alliance you require to make. Know the circumstances are showing you a blind spot that you have had. Your commitment to yourself must be to achieve your goals, and strive toward achievement of your vision. Refrain from wallowing in self-doubt, frame the experience as feedback, and become curious.
Step 2 – Ask yourself: what resources do I have? What relationships can I contact for ideas or assistance? What have I not done, that if I did it would make all the difference? Where have I not shown up 100% that has caused this circumstance? Be courageous with yourself and lessen your pride. Ask for clarity and ideas from the ones you trust and be willing to receive the feedback to help you break out of your tunnel vision into a new way of expanding your perspective.
Step 3 – Do the inner work. Do an authentic evaluation of your core beliefs, secondary gains, values and emotions that may be hindering the realization of your goals. Take responsibility. It doesn’t happen to you, it happens from you. You are your own reality generating machine and you are part of the equation of the reality you are manifesting. Change your limiting beliefs. Conduct a values audit and re-evaluation, and verify that your goals are aligned to your top five values. Commit to learning the skills that make everything work, and commit to travelling your life journey fully equipped to manage your mind, and therefore the results in your life.
Step 4 – Model the excellence of others who have done what you desire to create in your own life, and explore how they have accomplished their results. It is important for you to understand the steps that have worked in the past so that success was achieved. Adapt, become flexible, intertwine your ideas with the ideas of the masters and geniuses of our time, and follow their steps. Never giving up until you reach your outcome. At the same time, never dilute yourself and your power by trying to be somebody else. Instead, learn from their abilities and techniques, and employ those into your authentic self-delivery.
Step 5 – Base your outcomes anchored to a higher purpose. You will have unstoppable power and endless energy to achieve your outcomes if they aligned to your highest values. Leave a legacy and make a light footprint on our earth, while giving massively. What I have learned so far on this journey is that when life does not happen as I expected it would, it is a fertile environment to kick into my highest level of flexibility and possibility. There is rarely an outcome that you cannot achieve. Never give up in the realization of the goal. Find new ways, new paths to create the change you desire and take massive action. Know as well, that there is something higher at work in all of our lives. Ask ultimately that whatever your life expression creates, people are touched and advanced, and you have made the contribution you came here to make.